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How can I observe objects?

Be informed as soon as someone changes the data of your observed object.

Written by Henry Agsten
Updated over a year ago

In this article explained:

Start the observation:

  • Navigate in the menu to 'objects' and select the object you want to watch. Click on the pencil icon to the left of the object:

  • In the detailed view of the object, you simply click on the eye icon in the upper right corner and select either you and/or another person who should observe the object

    • The number next to the eye tells you immediately if and how many users are already watching the object:

  • If you want to observe the object yourself, just click on said eye icon and click "Start observing":

  • If you want to select other users for the observation, click in the dropdown menu "Select as observer" on the respective names and confirm your selection by clicking on "Add"

Mark several objects for observation at once:

And this is how it works:

  • select your objects and click on "More" and select "Start observing:

  • please note, that you can only activate the observation for yourself if you choose this option

Receive your notification

  • All users who have enabled observation will receive a notification in the messages menu of the inventory manager when something has been changed in the object


You will only receive a message if another user, other than yourself, has changed something in the object

  • To access your messages, simply click on the icon or the logo of your company in the upper right corner of your inventory manager and click on "Messages":

End observation:

  • If you want to end the observation for yourself, just click on the eye icon in the detail view of your object again and on "Stop observing".

  • To stop watching multiple inventories for yourself, you can select the objects in the list again and choose "More" and then "Stop observing" from the dropdown menu:

  • You can also deactivate the observation of other users by clicking on the 'x' next to their name:

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