1. Login
log into seventhings Circularity Hub
2. Dashboard
you first see the Circularity Dashboard, on it you can see
how many inventories have already been sold
how much CO2 has been saved
which used inventories are new in the Circularity Hub
3. Find fitting items
navigate to the Pre-Loved Inventories list by clicking on Circularity
search the list for the matching items
use filters to show only the inventories you are interested in
Double-click to open the detailed view of an inventory you are interested in
4. Buy item
You can buy an inventory directly from the detail view. Click on the buy button at the bottom of the detail view.
You can also buy multiple inventories at once. To do so, select the desired items via the checkboxes in the list view and click on Buy.
(For the first purchase:) Enter your billing address.
Check the selected items, read the legal notice and confirm it.
Click on Binding Order
5. Purchase transaction
You will receive an order confirmation by e-mail
After a few days you will receive an invoice for the order and information on how to pick up the products.
Pay the invoice according to the instructions in the email and pick up the products.