If you already have an existing room book, you can easily import it into seventhings.
That's how it works:
Click on Locations in the Import Export tab
Click on File Format
If you haven't already done so, create your own template by clicking on Create. If you've already created a template, skip to "Upload room and location list"
We have described the creation of a template in detail here.
Click Import
Drag a .csv (UTF-8) file with your room list into the field provided
Click Continue in the preview
In the mapping, drag the seventhings fields to the corresponding fields in the import file, choose a primary key and give the template a name.
We explain exactly how the mapping works here in the article on creating the template.
Click on Finish - now you can record your data directly on the template.
Click Import Now
If you have already created a template, click on the upload icon next to the template.
Upload room and location lists
Make sure that the template and the import file have the same column names.
Drag your corresponding room list into the field provided and click continue
Have a look at the preview and click on Finish